Monday, December 27, 2010

Rose Day Greeting Cards

We know almost nothing about the origins of Valentine's Day: people generally think that its origins lie in Lupercalia (festivals of purification , resurrection and fertility) - Rose Day Greeting Cards that are Roman annual celebrations in honor of Lupercus, protector of the fields and herds - that occurred around mid-February.
There is a common belief about Charles of Orleans who would have sent love letters on February 14th to Mary of Cleves, at the time when he was prisoner of war in England. Rose Day Greeting Cards
Another belief is that on mid-February, as the springtime is approaching, birds start to mate.
However, Valentine's Day is recognized for many centuries and there is a medieval tag dedicated to this special day:
"Bleeding of Valentine's Day
Makes blood clear night and day
And the day before bleeding
Preserves of fever throughout the year "

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